Winter Chanterelle Mushrooms – foraging, cleaning, cooking

In The Kitchen – cooking Chanterelle Mushrooms

Cleaning Winter Chanterelle Mushrooms in the kitchen
Cleaning Winter Chanterelle Mushrooms in the kitchen

Marilyn starts by cleaning the mushrooms we found. She uses a small brush to gently remove any dirt, moss, or needles. And scissors to trim off the ends.

Cleaning Chanterelle Mushrooms with a small brush. Making pastry tarts.
Cleaning Chanterelle Mushrooms with a small brush. Making pastry tarts.

She will be making Mushroom Tarts from these Chanterelles. They will be fried with and onion and put in puff pastry.
We stored them in our woodshed for a week or so and they held out well in the cooler temperatures.
She does not wash the mushrooms because it seems like they soak up too much water this way and become soggy.

Frying onions. Deglazing the frying pan with water.
Deglazing the frying pan with water.

Once she has cleaned the mushrooms she dices an onion and fries it in a pan on the stove. And then deglazes the pan with a bit of water.
The cleaned mushrooms are then chopped and added to the pan with the onions.

Adding chopped Winter Chanterelle Mushrooms to the onions in the frying pan.
Adding chopped Winter Chanterelle Mushrooms to the onions in the frying pan.

Garlic is pressed and added with salt and pepper.
Bread is toasted then chopped on a cutting board. The pieces are then turned into crumbs with a Magic Bullet grinder. These crumbs are then mixed into the onions and mushrooms frying in the pan.

Making breadcrumbs from toast. Chopping on a cutting board
Making breadcrumbs from toast. Chopping on a cutting board

This is then pulled from the heat and into a stainless steel bowl where feta cheese is blended in.

Adding feta cheese to the Winter Chanterelle Mushroom tart filling
Adding feta cheese to the Winter Chanterelle Mushroom tart filling

The oven is preheating while puff pastry is rolled out on a large cutting board. One sheet is cut into six pieces then a heaping tablespoon of the mushroom filling is dropped in the center of each square.

Brushing on egg mixture to seal the wild mushroom tart pastry
Brushing on egg mixture to seal the wild mushroom tart pastry

Egg is brushed on the to seal the edges before the pastry is folded over. A fork helps seal the edges.

Baking the Mushroom Tarts

Winter Chanterelle Mushroom tarts baking in the oven
Winter Chanterelle Mushroom tarts baking in the oven

The tarts are set on a baking sheet. When the oven is hot enough the tarts are baked until golden brown.

Delicious Winter Chanterelle Mushroom tarts on a plate
Delicious Winter Chanterelle Mushroom tarts on a plate


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