Raspberry Trellis for the Garden

Build your own Raspberry Trellis from red cedar posts and 2×4’s. Complete animated build video that shows step-by-step how to make a support for your berry bushes. Grow berries on wood and galvanized wire supports. 

See the How to Video.

It’s an easy trellis design based on the popular raspberry trellis T post system.

Build the Raspberry Trellis

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The Sketchup Model

The cedar fenceposts I had were 8 footers and I cut slots in them for the cross members.

build a Trellis animation
Build Raspberry Trellises – Cedar Posts

The slots are 12 and 36 inches from the top.

build a Raspberry Trellis animation
Slot locations for cross members – Build Raspberry Trellises

Cross Members

The cross members that support the wires are made from cedar 2×4’s. And are 36 and 24 inches long.

build a Raspberry Trellis animation
Two cross members to support wires – Build Raspberry Trellises

The post is buried 2 feet in the ground.

build a Raspberry Trellis animation
The post is buried and concreted in place

On the back, I cut a groove 5 feet from the top for a brace.

build a Raspberry Trellis animation
A low brace gives extra support

It’s also made from a cedar 2×4 and will be buried.

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Construction of the Raspberry Trellis

On some sawhorses in the garden, I layout the cuts for the cross members.

constructing the Raspberry Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Marking cedar 2×4’s

And cut those to length.

constructing the Raspberry Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Marking cross member centers

I mark the center of each and drill a hole for the carriage bolt that will secure it to the post.

constructing the Raspberry Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Drill holes for carriage bolts

I mark the two slot locations for the cross members.

building the Raspberry Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Mark to posts for notches

A square 4×4 or a 6×6 would work for a post as well. I roughly square the upper cross member and mark lines for my saw cuts. I make the first two cuts into the post.

constructing the Raspberry Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Mark cross member notch locations

Post Notching

As the posts are round and irregular, I use a level to help guide the cuts so they are somewhat parallel. I have some wedges under the post to keep it from rolling around.

DIY Raspberry Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Make saw cuts -Build Raspberry Trellises

I used a pencil line marked on my saw as a depth gauge so my cuts were somewhat consistent.

constructing the Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Pencil line on saw sets the cut depth needed

I knock out the wood with mallet and chisel. I only made two saw cuts as this wood is soft and easy to remove.

constructing the Raspberry Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Knocking out wood with mallet and chisel
chiseling the Raspberry Trellis from cedar posts and 2x4's
Cleaning up slot with chisel
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