Ash Vacuum Review, Chimney Sweeping & Cleaning Wood Stove

Ash Vacuum Review with Chimney Sweeping, Wood Stove Cleaning, and Fire Starter Making. Time to get the wood stove ready for winter. We have a high-efficiency wood stove and need to sweep the chimney of creosote and clean the ash buildup inside the stove. Watch the Video Review. This year we tested a new chimney brush and flexible rod kit along with an ash vacuum by shop-vac. We also made fire starter bags from chainsaw wood curls. And we highlighted a wood stove fan by EcoFan.
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Ash Vacuum Review

Our Wood Stove

Last fall we had our wood stove upgraded to I high efficiency, long burning model: the Blaze King Sirocco 30 catalytic stove.

High Efficiency Catalytic Wood Stove - ash vacuum review

In a corner of our living room I removed a section of the hardwood floor and installed ceramic tiles.

Ceramic Tiles to support new wood stove
Ceramic Tiles to support new wood stove

The ceiling of our living room has some nice decorative trim that may have been original from when it was built in the 50’s.

Decorative Ceiling Trim - ash vacuum review
Decorative Ceiling Trim

In the attic I sistered a rafter then removed a section of the original to make adequate clearance for the chimney.

2x4 rafter "sistered" to a new one, then section removed for clearance
2×4 rafter “sistered” to a new one, then section removed for clearance

By removing a section of that rafter, the stove pipe could be lined up right at the centre of the curved trim. Which I thought would look pretty nice.
Our local wood stove dealer and his crew came on a very rainy afternoon last fall.

Hole in ceiling cut out, blocking between rafters added. The rafter section that was removed can be seen better in this picture
Hole in ceiling cut out, blocking between rafters added. The rafter section that was removed can be seen better in this picture

They cut a hole in the ceiling where I had laid it out. And added some blocking between the joists. They set part of the chimney section in through the ceiling

Section of chimney, the "top hat"
Section of chimney, the “top hat”

Then outside on the roof they cut a hole and installed the rest of the chimney. Not a fun day from them as it poured rain all day.

Add Chimney Flashing on roof
Add Chimney Flashing on roof

Setting Wood Stove in Place

The three of them brought the wood stove in on a dolly, then set it in place. And connected the stove to the chimney.

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Ash Vacuum Review - New wood stove on dolly
New wood stove on dolly
Lining the stove up with the chimney
Lining the stove up with the chimney

They did a great job and this stove kept our little house warm all winter last year.

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